
Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

Someone like you..............................................................stiahnut
Rolling in the deep.............................................................stiahnut
One and only.....................................................................stiahnut

Adele nazivo Adele Live je to druhe koncertne turné nahrávanie anglickéj Adele. Návšteva Európy a Severnej Ameriky tour podporuje svoje druhy štúdiovy album 21.

Amsterdam | Atlanta | Atlantic City | Austin | Barcelona | Berlín | Birmingham | Boston | Brusel | Chicago | Kolín nad Rýnom | Kodaň | Denver | Glasgow | Glasgow | Hamburg | Las Vegas | Leeds | Leicester | Londýn | Londýn | Londýn | Los Angeles | Madrid | Manchester | Manchester | Miami | Milan | Mníchov | Nashville | New York | Paríž | Philadelphia | Saint Paul | Salt Lake City | San Diego | Seattle | Štokholm | Chicago | Vancouver | Washington DC |